Complaints Procedure

We put the same high standards of care into looking after our customers as we do into building our homes.  However, we do appreciate that sometimes things can go wrong and so we take complaints very seriously. We are a Registered Developer with the Consumer Code for Home Builders and comply with the New Homes Quality Code.

If you do have a complaint, we ask you to let us know so that we may have the opportunity to resolve the issue for you and learn from it.



Our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional quality homes and creating wonderful communities with efficiency, safety, and reliability in mind.

At Woodall Homes, we uphold a set of key values which represents the essence of who we really are and every customer’s view is important to us, so if you are unhappy with the service we have provided you, it’s vital that you inform us.

Each complaint made to our team will be investigated fairly and consistently, with a prompt response on if the complaint should be upheld and the following actions.



We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction, whether oral or written, and whether justified or not, from or on behalf of an eligible complainant about the firm’s provision of a property or failure to provide adequate associated services.



A snag is a small defect or problem that remains in your property after the building work has been completed. Whilst we endeavour to identify and fix any cosmetic defects before completing the sale of a new home, there are instances where issues will arise after the sale, and we will need to return to put these right. It is important to note that a customer must give us the opportunity to investigate and fix a snagging related issue. Woodall Homes cannot be responsible for fixing issues related with the workmanship of a third party.

We deal with issues associated with ‘snagging’ in a different way to that set out for ‘complaints’. We aim to deal with all customer snagging issues, in line with guidance set out in the Consumer Code. Details of how to raise a ‘snagging’ issue are detailed in your ‘welcome pack’ letter and guidance on who to contact to raise a ‘snagging’ related issue, are also provided in that letter. Any snagging issues need to be sent to our Customer Care Team and you can reach them in two ways:

Telephone: 01246 575744




There are several avenues available to our customers should they want to make a complaint. These include:

Email –

Website –

Telephone: 01246 575744

To help us handle your complaint in the most effective way, your complaint should be clear about the issue from which you have suffered. We also ask that should you make an oral complaint via one of the above routes, that you follow up with a written record of the complaint.



Upon receipt of your complaint, it will be referred to a member of Woodall Homes Senior Management Team, who will handle the complaint on behalf of Woodall Homes.

This individual will take responsibility for the handling of your complaint and will also have the authority to investigate and settle this.



We will acknowledge all complaints within 5 calendar days of the complaint initiation date*.

We will investigate your concerns and send a response which details our proposed pathway to resolution within 10 calendar days of the complaint initiation date.

We will send a full complaint assessment response by no later than 30 calendar days.  If the complaint has been resolved, this will confirm what steps were taken.  In the event that the resolution is still underway, the response will detail what has caused the delay, and the anticipated date for resolution.

Once the complaint has been resolved, we will send a closure response which confirms what action has been taken.


We hope we can resolve most matters without the need for further escalation.  However, if your complaint is not resolved in accordance with this procedure, or you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, then you may be able to refer your complaint to any dispute resolution service offered by your warranty provider, or the New Homes Ombudsman Service.

It is within the New Homes Ombudsman Service’ discretion to decide when or if to accept a complaint, in accordance with the scheme rules. The New Homes Ombudsman Service can accept complaints that have arisen within two years of legal completion. After this, disputes within the structural warranty period may be referred to the New Home Warranty Provider if relevant.

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